
Wednesday Jan 26, 2011
Wednesday Jan 26, 2011
Wednesday Jan 26, 2011
THE URANTIA BOOK AND FOUNDATION. Gard Jameson bought a copy of The Urantia Book in 1972 in a California bookstore near Stanford University, where he was studying Comparative Religion. His first impression was that it was like no other book he had ever read in either philosophy or religion. It is a bestseller that "reveals the mysteries of God, the Universe, Jesus and Ourselves." In this engaging hour Caer Hallundbaek speaks with Jameson, now an author, professor of philosophy, and a trustee and treasurer of the Urantia Foundation - the custodian and publisher of The Urantia Book.
Topics in this hour include: what the Urantia Book is and how it affected Jameson's life; his faith tradition as a Presbyterian prior to discovering the book; how the book was received as a revelation or message from beings of another celestial body (Urantia) to guide human beings away from war and confusion; how it was written mostly by 1935 and published in its current form since 1955; how the Urantia Book speaks to and embraces all faith traditions on earth, but points to the life of Jesus with special focus; the perceived role of Jesus as sovereign of this universe; how Urantia addresses today's issues and challenges; the larger universal nature of love; prayer; worship; the Trinity; relationships; and more. For more information: http://www.urantia.org/

Friday Jan 21, 2011
Friday Jan 21, 2011
Friday Jan 21, 2011
One of the goals of the Godspeed Institute is to foster religious tolerance through education of our neighbors' actual beliefs, rather than hearsay. We believe that hatred is quelled when people stop listening to inflammatory reports about religion and begin listening to each other. We know how partial and misinterpreted beliefs can be conveyed and misused in the world; imagine what takes place when misinformation travels worldwide instantly by high speed Internet. Scott Gordon has served as a bishop in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormon), holds an MBA from Brigham Young University, and serves as president of the Foundation for Apologetic Information and Research, or FAIR, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing well-documented answers to criticisms of Mormon doctrine, belief and practice. FAIR is staffed completely by students of the scriptures, ancient languages, early Christian history, early LDS history and doctrine. The team at FAIR has been involved in online services and Internet-based LDS apologetics for many years, and in this hour we explore why.
Topics include: the development of FAIR and what the organization does; how it developed in response to misinformation and online attacks about LDS; the most common misconceptions of the Mormon faith; the most common attacks that FAIR staff encounter; how Mormons were persecuted in America; how Gordon can relate to other faiths that have been misconstrued, including Islam since 9/11; the origin of the Mormon faith – how Jesus Christ appeared in more places in the world following the resurrection, specifically his visit to the indigenous peoples of central America; how LDS has helped restore early Christian beliefs that were lost; LDS missionaries; how the concept and event of revelation does not end; and much more.

Friday Jan 21, 2011
Friday Jan 21, 2011
Friday Jan 21, 2011
Caer Hallundbaek explores consciousness, Celtic standing stones, and creation myths from around the world with guest Carolyn North. She is the author of 11 books, most recently VOICES OUT OF STONE, with Natasha Hoffman and IN THE BEGINNING: Creation Myths from Around the World, with artist Adrienne Robinson. Carolyn works as a healer and uses movement and sound as her modalities to help balance the subtle energies of body, mind and spirit. She considers the balancing of energy in the individual person, in the community and in the world to be her work.
Topics in this hour include: the sharing of creation myths around the world; the need for creation myths and the purpose they serve; North's readings from Algonquin, Mayan and Japanese creation stories; the similarities discovered as the authors gathered from diverse traditions, including the concept of creation from an original void or nothingness; the appearance and symbols of the divine in myth; eternity and the consciousness of time in creation story; Voices Out Of Stone, her latest book; the standing stones in Carnac, France; North's visits to the stones and the messages they bestowed for realignment and healing of our world; the meeting of her co-author who was drawn to the same journey and place; how they compiled their book; the earth-spirit consciousness; how her journey has influenced her work; more.

Tuesday Jan 04, 2011
Tuesday Jan 04, 2011
Tuesday Jan 04, 2011
Caer Hallundbaek interviews Dr. Arthur A. Rouner, Jr., who ministered in the Congregational Church for 40 years and then founded The Pilgrim Center for Reconciliation (PCR), a nondenominational, nonprofit organization in Minnesota committed to the work of healing and reconciliation in the aftermath of genocide, war, and debilitating conflict. Since 1996 PCR has had its primary focus in Africa, serving in Rwanda, Burundi, Congo, Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan, and Tanzania.
Topics in this hour include: the historic beginnings of the Congregational churches in 16th century England, in protest to the king appointing himself the head of the church; groups that evolved, including the Separatists and Puritans; the return to scripture, with authority resting within each congregation; persecution in England, and the Pilgrims’ journey to Holland and then to Massachusetts; the concept of holiness and a good life; how Congregationalists participated in the Underground Railroad, the women’s suffrage movement, and the founding of Harvard, Yale and Dartmouth; the founding of the Pilgrim Center for Reconciliation; examples of PCR’s work and processes of helping people to forgive and to heal in Rwanda, following the experience of genocide; what healing requires; and more.

Sunday Dec 19, 2010
One Christian Woman's Spiritual Path
Sunday Dec 19, 2010
Sunday Dec 19, 2010
Caer Hallundbaek interviews Enuma Okoro, author of "Reluctant Pilgrim: A Moody, Somewhat Self-Indulgent Introvert's Search for Spiritual Community," a critically acclaimed book of “one woman’s search for a rich, rewarding life of faith and community, for a place where both her turbulent love of God and her passion for gorgeous shoes can be embraced.” Reluctant Pilgrim is a memoir that conveys Enuma’s spiritual journey, often haunting, often humorous, and described as being “for those who have fallen out of love with the church, mostly because they can’t find a church community that both embraces and challenges them.” In this hour, topics include: the spiritual path; why our spiritual hunger is not addressed in our culture; why we fall out of love with the church; the role of the church; our childhood and how it can shape and hinder our concept of God, as well as church; her multicultural experience of faith growing up in the US, Nigeria and England; ‘reluctance’ about staying on the spiritual path; the powerful role of friendship along the spiritual journey; an excerpt on grace from the book; and much more.

Monday Dec 06, 2010
Measuring The Unmeasurable
Monday Dec 06, 2010
Monday Dec 06, 2010
Caer Hallundbaek speaks with Brenda Dunne, president of International Consciousness Research Laboratories (ICRL), Princeton, NJ. From 1979 to 2007, Brenda served as Manager of the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research laboratory at Princeton University, or PEAR. For three decades, PEAR researched -- and substantially measured -- human consciousness. Their work has been described in over 100 articles in journals and books and continues at ICRL. In this fascinating hour, topics include: what consciousness is; how it has been scientifically researched; experiments in anomalous human/machine interactions and remote perception; PEAR, its history and development; how ICRL developed from PEAR; how this research encompasses the cores of science as well as spirituality; other scientific anamolies, including Stonehenge, Avebury and Newgrange; the 'remembering' of this intuitive knowledge; how some sacred archeological sites have a common acoustical tone of 110 hertz; how younger people are drawn to this method of scientific research and perception; the role of technology in helping people connect and reconnect; the need to recapture the place of meaning in science; and much more.

Monday Nov 29, 2010
The New Atheism with Ronald Aronson
Monday Nov 29, 2010
Monday Nov 29, 2010
Caer Hallundbaek interviews the man who coined the phrase: Ronald Aronson, Distinguished Professor of the History of Ideas at Wayne State University. Dr. Aronson has taught at Wayne State University since 1968. He earned his Ph.D. in the History of Ideas at Brandeis University. A prolific writer, his latest book is “Living Without God: New Directions for Atheists, Agnostics, Secularists, and the Undecided.” He is also the author of "Camus & Sartre: The Story of a Friendship and the Quarrel that Ended It" and is a contributor to periodicals from the Nation to the Huffington Post. In recognition of his scholarly career and political contributions to South Africa during the struggle against apartheid, in April, 2002, he was awarded the honorary degree of http://www.is.wayne.edu/raronson/Laudation/Laudation2.htm Laws by the University of Natal, Durban, South Africa.
In this hour, topics include: Basic definitions of atheism, agnosticism, secularism, spiritualism, humanism; what differentiates these contemporary trends and what connects them; Aronson's book "Living Without God" and his own journey as an atheist; gratitude without the need of religiosity; Thanksgiving; how atheism has affected our culture; the nature of hope, especially as related to political commitment and world vision; college students in the 1960s and today; how technology has impacted their life; and more.

Tuesday Nov 16, 2010
Virtue in a godless universe
Tuesday Nov 16, 2010
Tuesday Nov 16, 2010
In this hour, Caer Hallundbaek interviews Dr. Erik Wielenberg, Associate Professor of Philosophy at DePauw University and author of the books "Value and Virtue in a Godless Universe" and "God and the Reach of Reason: C.S. Lewis, David Hume and Bertrand Russell." In this hour, Dr. Wielenberg shares his disagreement with the basic Judaic-Christian perspective that imposes moral law upon life while suggesting that life without God may be devoid of morality or meaning. Topics include: how a life without God continues to have meaning and moral obligations; Wielenberg's exploration of reality that embraces physical as well as value features; naturalism and the ethics of naturalism; naturalistic accounts of humility; charity and hope; his book "God and the Reach of Reason," in which C.S. Lewis, David Hume and Bertrand Russell have a 'conversation' with one another on topics such as the existence of God, suffering, morality, reason, joy, miracles and faith; the natural tendency to 'do the right thing;' the place of suffering and compassion in Buddhism; his own journey into atheism; and more.

Tuesday Nov 09, 2010
Darwin and The New Atheism
Tuesday Nov 09, 2010
Tuesday Nov 09, 2010
In this fascinating hour, Caer Hallundbaek interviews theologian John F. Haught, Distinguished Research Professor and Senior Fellow of Science and Religion at Woodstock Theological Center, Georgetown University, in Washington DC. Haught is the author of the new book ‘Making Sense of Evolution: Darwin,God and the Drama of Life.’ He is also the author of ‘God and the New Atheism: A Critical Response to Dawkins, Harris, and Hitchens,’ and ‘God After Darwin: A Theology of Evolution,’ and ‘Science and Religion: From Conflict to Conversation.’ He earned his doctorate at Catholic University and testified at the 2005 case of Tammy Kitzmiller, et al. v. Dover Area School District, the first direct challenge brought in the United States federal courts against a public school district requiring the presentation of Intelligent Design as an "explanation of the origin of life." In this hour, topics include: Darwin not having intended to write as an atheist, but how he eventually leaned in that direction as a result of his voyage and personal losses; Haught’s work as a professor at Georgetown and what drew him to address science and religion among his students; his influences, including Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and Alfred North Whitehead; the concept of the universe not as stagnant but as “story” and a “carrier of meaning;” the concept of God as one that also evolves; the New Atheism, including Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris and Christopher Hitchens; their perception of God and Haught’s response; and much more.

Tuesday Oct 26, 2010
Physics and Faith
Tuesday Oct 26, 2010
Tuesday Oct 26, 2010
In this hour we explore the universe, modern cosmology and faith, with our special guest Stephen M. Barr. Dr. Barr is a theoretical particle physicist and a professor of physics in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Delaware. His work centers mainly on grand unified theories and the cosmology of the early universe. Dr. Barr writes and lectures extensively on the relation of science and religion. He is the author of the books 'Modern Physics and Ancient Faith,' and 'A Student’s Guide to Natural Science,' and has served on the board of The Fellowship of Catholic Scholars. Dr. Barr has written 140 research papers, as well as the article on Grand Unification for the Encyclopedia of Physics. He received his Ph.D. from Princeton University in 1978, and a Papal Medal for his work in religion and science in 2007. In this hour, topics include: the relationship between science and religion; Barr's ease in his role as a scientist and as a person of faith; how the two fields are harmonious; what drew him to study physics; his book 'Modern Physics and Ancient Faith' and the timeless nature of faith; the role of the Roman Catholic Church is establishing study of modern science; the term 'creation,' as a biblical and ongoing idea and event; current trends in popular physics; the concept of time, and God as 'outside of time'; the role of God as author of the laws that govern science; the place for mystery in science; and much more.

Tuesday Oct 19, 2010
Tuesday Oct 19, 2010
Tuesday Oct 19, 2010
THE SPIRIT OF PENTECOSTALISM, with Professor David Daniels III, the Henry Winters Luce Professor of World Christianity at McCormick Theological Seminary in Chicago. David has been a member of the American Academy of Religion, the Society for the Study of Black Religion, and the Society for Pentecostal Studies. He is the former President of the Society for Pentecostal Studies. He is co-chair of International Bi-lateral Dialogue between Reformed and Pentecostal Churches. He has served the Faith and Order Commission of the National Council of Churches, and participated on consultations sponsored the World Council of Churches. The author of various articles on the history of Christianity, he has lectured at colleges and seminaries in Asia, Africa, and Latin American along with the United States. Topics in this hour include: The history and development of Pentecostalism; its growth in the early 1900’s, in the 1950’s, and around the world; the varying types of Pentecostalism and its relation to the Charismatic movement; spiritual baptism; spiritual gifts, including prophecy, healing, speaking in tongues, as well as administration, preaching and others; the experience of worship; relationship to other beliefs and Christian traditions; the use and misuse of spiritual formation; the road toward tolerance; and more. For more information, visit: http://www.glopent.net Dr. Daniels page: http://mccormick.edu/instructor/daniels-david-iii

Thursday Sep 30, 2010
Sihk Faith with Professor Nikky Singh
Thursday Sep 30, 2010
Thursday Sep 30, 2010
"God has no marks, no colour, no caste, and no ancestors, no form, no complexion, no outline, no costume and is indescribable. The One is fearless, luminous and measureless in might... sovereign of the universe, gods, men and demons. The woods and dales sing the indescribable. O One, none can tell Thy names. The wise count your blessings to coin your names." - this from Guru Gobind Singh, the Tenth Guru of the Sikh faith. In this program we enter the world of Sikhism with author, professor and chair of the department of religion at Colby College, Nikki Singh. Dr. Singh discusses, among other topics: the origin of Sikhism in the Himalayas at a crossroads of Hindu and Sufi cultures; the revelation of Guru Nanak and how the revelation liberated the people from caste and other worldly restrictions; the growth of the Sikh faith; the holy book of mystical poetry that is at the center of the faith; the five symbols that the Sikh wears, including long hair, bracelet, and comb; the turban that has been the cause of misdirected acts of hatred; religious tolerance and what prevents it; how the mystical connects us to the sacred imagination and to each other; and much more.

Thursday Sep 30, 2010
Shinto Spirituality with Professor Delmer Brown
Thursday Sep 30, 2010
Thursday Sep 30, 2010
JAPAN and SHINTO. In this program, we look at the ancient Shinto religion with one of the world’s foremost scholars on the history of Shinto, Fulbright Scholar and Professor Delmer Brown.Dr. Brown (a few months from his 101st birthday in this interview) holds a Ph. D. in Japanese history from Stanford University and is professor emeritus of history at the University of California at Berkeley. He is the executive director of the Center for Shinto Studies and adjunct Professor of Shinto at Starr King School for the Ministry in Berkeley. From 1946 to 1977, Dr. Brown was a professor of Japanese history at UC Berkeley, and was chairman of the history department from 1957 to 1961 and 1971-1975. He was director of the Tokyo office of the Asian Foundation from and a humanities research scholar in Kyoto. Among his many works, Dr. Brown is the co-translator of "Studies in Shinto Thought" by Muraoka Tsunetsu, and of the "Gukansho" by Jien. He also edited and contributed to "The Cambridge History of Japan" and has published numerous articles on Japanese religion and history. Dr Brown has been honored numerous times for his contribution to the education of scholars of Japanese history and the promotion of academic exchange between Japan and the United States. In this hour, he discusses the origins of Shinto, the indigenous belief system of the Japanese people; gods and goddesses; the different types of Shinto – State Shinto, post-war Shinto, and contemporary Shinto; basic Shinto beliefs, including impurity, purification, and the Afterlife; the guiding concept of harmony in all Shinto; the Summit Strategy initiative and how it has been molded by Presidents Washington, Polk, Truman and Nixon; the best ‘next steps’ for Obama; and much more.

Thursday Sep 30, 2010
Buddhist Philosophy with Professor John Dunne
Thursday Sep 30, 2010
Thursday Sep 30, 2010
If the spiritual concepts of emptiness and selflessness have attracted you, baffled you, or made you feel somehow ill at ease, this program can shed light on these and other gifts of Buddhism. Caer Hallundbaek interviews Dr. John D. Dunne, associate professor in the Department of Religion at Emory University. He was educated at Amherst College and Harvard University, where he received his Ph.D. from the Committee on the Study of Religion. Dr. Dunne is a co-director of Emory's Collaborative for Contemplative Studies, a Fellow of the Mind and Life Institute, and an advisor to the federally funded Center for Investigating Healthy Minds. Before joining the Emory community, he conducted research at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland and Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies in India. The author of “Foundations of the Dharmakirti's Philosophy,” his work focuses on Buddhist philosophy and contemplative practice, especially on the concept of "mindfulness" in both theoretical and practical contexts, as well as the metaphysics of “emptiness” and "selflessness."
Topics in this lively hour include: the origins and development of Buddhism; the Four Noble Truths; the cultural quest for happiness; identifying our dissatisfaction as misunderstanding of our own identity and that of the world; the Path for finding happiness; unhappiness as a result of clinging to a notion of personal identity that does not exist; unhappiness as a result of thinking of the past or the future, which do not presently exist; the importance of slowing down our busyness; meditation; mindfulness; selflessness; emptiness; and much more. For more information, please visit Dr. Dunne: http://religion.emory.edu/faculty/dunne.html Emory's Collaborative for Contemplative Studies: http://www.emory.edu/religions&humanspirit/Religion%20pages/Contemplative%20Studies.htm Center for Investigating Healthy Minds: http://www.investigatinghealthyminds.org/

Thursday Sep 30, 2010
Wampanoag Spirit with gkisedtanamoogk
Thursday Sep 30, 2010
Thursday Sep 30, 2010
WAMPANOAG / WABANAKI SPIRITUALITY. In this program we journey into Native American spirituality and life, from the perspective of gkisedtanamoogk -- a member and Bundle Keeper of the Wampanoag Nation, and a practitioner as well as teacher of Wampanoag / Wabanaki Spirituality. Gkisedtanamoogk (pronounced kis-eh-tah-nah-moogk) received his BA in Political Science from Boston University. In 1977 he received his Paralegal Certificate from the University of Oklahoma Law School, with a Concentration on Indian Law. He has taught Native American Studies, the Wampanoag Culture of Peace, and Dimensions of Indigenous Spirituality at the University of Maine; Bangor Theological Seminary; Arizona State University; and St. Thomas University in New Brunswick, Canada. He is the co-founder of the Anikwom Whole Life Center, and other projects include the Wabanaki Youth Writer's Summer Camp; Wabanaki Men's Alliance work and development; and the Stillwater Laboratory—Indigenous Media and Indigenous Partnership. Since 1985 he has been home schooling children in Wabanaki World-View, Teachings and Life-Skills. In this hour, which features the music of R. Carlos Nakai, topics include: the origin, territory and growth of this New England tribal nation; the Wabanaki people, their perception of the earth, the role of humans, and the web of nature; the role of the “Bundle Keeper”; the nterconnectedness of all of things; the role of natural symbols; the meaning and value of wampum belts; the perception and celebrations of the sacred; morning and daily celebration of the light; the Wabanaki experience in contemporary culture; the home-schooling of children; and much more.

Thursday Sep 30, 2010
The magic of Wicca with Wicca Priestess Phyllis Curott
Thursday Sep 30, 2010
Thursday Sep 30, 2010
THE MAGIC of WICCA. In this program, Caer Hallundbaek talks with Phyllis Curott -- attorney, Wiccan priestess, and author of the best-selling memoir "Book of Shadows: A Modern Woman's Journey into the Wisdom of Witchcraft and the Magic of the Goddess," and also the book "Witch Crafting: A Spiritual Guide to Making Magic." Curott is a trustee of the Parliament of World Religions and is the Wiccan representative to the Harvard University Religious Pluralism Project's Consultation on Religious Discrimination and Accommodation.
A social and spiritual activist, she is a long standing member of the American Civil Liberties Union and founder of the Religious Liberties Lawyers Network. Curott has successfully battled the legal system for the right of Wiccan clergy to perform legally binding marriages in New York City and has also helped to secure the rights of Wiccans in the military, schools, the workplace and child custody cases. She received her B.A. in philosophy from Brown University and her Juris Doctor from New York University School of Law. She is founder and president of the Temple of Ara in New York City, where, with Temple elders, she offers lectures and workshops on Wicca, initiation, training, and clergy training.
In this intriguing hour, Curott defines what Wicca is, and what it isn’t; its origins as the Old Religion; its renewal in post-World War II England under the aegis of Gerald Gardner; its development since then; misconceptions about Wicca, and persecution; the mystical occurrences she experienced that led her to Wicca; the role and healing of the natural World; Wiccan ethics, beliefs and practices; similarity to other belief systems, including Native American spirituality; the role Wicca in contemporary culture; how Wicca helps her to find meaning; and more.

Thursday Sep 30, 2010
Hinduism with Professor Vasudha Narayanan
Thursday Sep 30, 2010
Thursday Sep 30, 2010
On this program we continue our journey into Hinduism, as Caer Hallundbaek talks with Dr. Vasudha Narayanan, Distinguished Professor, Department of Religion, at the University of Florida, and a past President of the American Academy of Religion. Dr. Narayanan was educated at the Universities of Madras and Bombay in India, and at Harvard University. Her fields of interest are the Sri Vaishnava tradition; Hindu traditions in India, Cambodia, and America; visual and expressive cultures in the study of the Hindu traditions; and gender issue, and more. She is currently working on Hindu temples and traditions in Cambodia. A prolific writer, her books include The Life of Hinduism; The Vernacular Veda: Revelation, Recitation, and Ritual; The Way and the Goal: Expressions of Devotion in the Early Srivaisnava Tradition; The Tamil Veda; and many articles on the Hindu tradition, performing arts and performing rituals, Hindu responses to the problems of ecology, and Hinduism in America and other cultures. Dr. Narayanan and the University of Florida have created the nation’s first Center for the Study of Hindu Traditions (CHiTra) to encourage the research, teaching and public understanding of Hindu culture and traditions.
In this hour, topics include: the development of Hinduism; the belief in a Supreme Being; regional and local expressions forms of Hinduism; the role and experience of women; Dr. Narayanan’s Catholic school education in India; Hindu symbols and their social and religious meaning; the effect of vernacular texts; reincarnation; the concept of a ‘good life,’ on earth and beyond; the domestic shrine; the experience of Hinduism in different cultures around the world, including America and the Southeast Asia; the inclusion of aspects of other faiths in Hinduism; the Center for the Study of Hindu Traditions, and more.

Thursday Sep 30, 2010
Hinduism with Professor Arvid Sharma
Thursday Sep 30, 2010
Thursday Sep 30, 2010
HINDUISM. Yoga; Dharma; Karma! Where do these ideas and practices come from, what are their purpose, and how have they come to be the religious foundation of more than 1 billion people? On this show, Michael Hallundbaek interviews Dr. Arvind Sharma of McGill University in Montreal, one of the world's foremost scholars and authors in the field of Hinduism. Professor Sharma has published a wealth of books and academic articles in the fields of Crosscultural Philosophy of Religion, Religion and Human Rights, Methods in the Study of Religion, Hinduism, Women and Religion and Sanskrit. He has also promoted the McGill Annual Sanskrit Conference since 2005, in which all presentations are made in Sanskrit. In this hour, topics include: the history and development of Hinduism; the different branches of it and their distinct beliefs; the Vedas, the sacred scriptures and their key figures and lessons; Hindu concepts of virtue and vice; successive lives; manifesting our desires; karma; dharma; the material and immaterial world; ultimate reality and "truth"; the spiritual path of Yoga; concepts of a good life and the afterlife; salvation pre-and post-mortem; daily practice; the project World Religions After 9/11; and more. http://www.amazon.com/Our-Religions-Introduced-Preeminent-Tradition/dp/0060677007/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1281124946&sr=1-1 http://www.amazon.com/Guide-Hindu-Spirituality-Perennial-Philosophy/dp/1933316179/ref=sr_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1281124946&sr=1-3

Thursday Sep 30, 2010
Parlaiment of World Religions with Phyllis Curott
Thursday Sep 30, 2010
Thursday Sep 30, 2010
PARLIAMENT OF THE WORLD'S RELIGIONS, with Phyllis Curott -- attorney, best-selling author, and a trustee of the Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions, one of the oldest and largest Interfaith organizations in the world. In this hour, topics include: the history and growth of the organization since its inception in America in 1893; the core philosophy and goals of the organization; various Parliaments and conference themes over the years, featuring speakers such as the Dalai Lama, Bishop Desmond Tutu, and Jimmy Carter; what types of religious and cultural issues the Parliament addresses, from fostering interreligious dialogue to environmental concerns. This segment also includes nuances within the Parliament, such as the challenge of the 'language of God'; how this experience of interreligious peace allows Curott to see a 'glimpse of what is possible' towards the reality of world peace; how her work with the Parliament helps her find strength and meaning in a difficult world; plus upcoming events and future activities, including regional conferences worldwide, Peace Next, and site selection for the Parliament of 2014.

Thursday Sep 30, 2010
Traditional Folklore & Wicca with Professor Magliocco
Thursday Sep 30, 2010
Thursday Sep 30, 2010
In this hour, Caer Hallundbaek interviews Sabina Magliocco, Ph.D., Professor of Anthropology at California State University, Northridge. A child of immigrants, her family spent summers living in Italy, specifically Rome and the area of Tuscany, which gave rise to her interest in folklore. Sabina graduated magna cum laude from Brown University with a BA in Anthropology. At Indiana University’s Folklore Institute, Bloomington, Indiana, she received her MA and Ph.D. in Folklore, with a minor in Anthropology. A recipient of Guggenheim, National Endowment for the Humanities, Fulbright and Hewlett fellowships, and an honorary Fellow of the American Folklore Society, she also served as editor of Western Folklore from 2004-2009.
In this hour, topics include: Italy and regional folklore; 'Strega Nona' or Grandmother Witch; religious festivals in Europe as economic and political opportunities; how they changed when the economy changed; how the role of women also changed; the “old religion” and old ways of healing; a brief history of Wicca in England; the rise of Wicca in Europe and the U.S.; core beliefs of Wicca; alignment with the natural world and cycles; conflict with Roman Catholic clergy; Neo-pagans in America; Harry Potter – reaching out to reconnect with our magical, mystical being; individual and group worship; holidays and festivals; the importance of folklore --- why is it a continuing inspiration and guide.

Thursday Sep 30, 2010
Norse Mythology with Galina Krasskova
Thursday Sep 30, 2010
Thursday Sep 30, 2010
Featuring Galina Krasskova, Northern Tradition Shaman, priest and godatheow of Odin. In addition to being the founder of Urdabrunnr Kindred in NYC, Galina is a member of several other fellowships, including Ironwood Kindred (MA), Asatru in Frankfurt, Germany and the First Kingdom Church of Asphodel (MA). Her primary interest is Heathen (Norse) devotional work on which she has written and lectured extensively. She is ordained through The Interfaith Fellowship and holds a diploma in interfaith ministry from The New Seminary in New York City, a BA in Religious Studies from Empire State College in New York City, and an MA in Religious Studies from New York University. Her books include "Exploring the Northern Tradition"; "Northern Tradition for the Solitary Practitioner"; and "Runes: Theory and Practice." In this hour, topics include: the origin and history of the Northern Tradition in Scandinavia and Germany; Norse Gods and their characteristics; Galina’s devotion to Odin, Loki, Sigyn, and Andvari; what differentiates the term ‘heathen’ from ‘pagan’; oppression; the misconception of Northern Tradition as racist; the Runes, a family of spirits; the importance of honor; daily devotions and rituals; ordeal work; divination; more.

Thursday Sep 30, 2010
Amish & Mennonite communities with Karen Johnson Weiner
Thursday Sep 30, 2010
Thursday Sep 30, 2010
Caer Hallundbaek interviews Professor Karen Johnson-Weiner, Professor and Chair of the Department of Anthropology at SUNY Potsdam in upstate New York and a widely recognized leading scholar on old order Amish and Mennonite communities and traditions. She is the author of the books "Train Up a Child: Old Order Amish and Mennonite Schools," and most recently, "The Amish of New York: Life in the Plain Communities of the Empire State." Currently she is a principal investigator of a three-year project, entitled “Amish Diversity and Identity: Transformations in 20th Century America,” which will explore the growth of Amish diversity; the construction of Amish identity; changing American conceptions of the Amish; and Amish contributions to American self-understandings of religious liberty. In this informative hour, topics include: the origins of the Amish and Mennonite communities; what differentiates the communities; persecution; American misconceptions about the Amish; the Amish in films and books; core beliefs of the Amish and Mennonite communities; the tension between church and state; marriage and family at the center of Amish and Mennonite life; clergy role and clergy selection; the Amish perception of, and barometers toward, secular culture; forgiveness; worship in family homes; experience of faith in all details of life; more.

Thursday Sep 30, 2010
Real World Vodou with Patrick Bellegarde Smith
Thursday Sep 30, 2010
Thursday Sep 30, 2010
In this informative hour, the Godspeed Institute explores the spiritual tradition of Vodou. Michael Hallundbaek interviews Dr. Patrick Bellegarde-Smith, author and professor of Africology at the University of Wisconsin in Milwaukee. Originally from Haiti, Dr. Bellegarde-Smith has a PhD in international relations and comparative politics. But he is most proud of his status as 'oungan asogwe,' the highest ranking that one can achieve as a priest of Vodou, Haiti's national religion. Topics include: the misconceptions of Vodou, largely due to the US military and Hollywood films; what Vodou actually is; its African origins; core beliefs and ceremonies; historical linking to Roman Catholic saints; the faith's concepts of spirits, deities, nature, and taboos; women as primary clergy; holy sites and family temples; oppression and persecution of practitioners, including during the aftermath of the recent earthquakethat devastated Haiti.

Thursday Sep 30, 2010
Luminaries with Caer & Michael Hallundbaek
Thursday Sep 30, 2010
Thursday Sep 30, 2010
This hour offers an exploration of religious luminaries who have broken through denominational and cultural barriers in their spiritual growth and left us remarkable literary guidance toward inter-religious peace. Selections include Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh ("Living Buddha, Living Christ"); thirteenth century Sufi mystic Rumi and his poetry about Moses and Jesus; author Sylvia Boorstein ("That's Funny, You Don't Look Buddhist") as she reconciles being both a Buddhist and a devout Jew; Thomas Merton ("The Corner of 4th and Walnut"); and more.

Wednesday Sep 29, 2010

Friday Sep 10, 2010
Friday Sep 10, 2010
Friday Sep 10, 2010
Caer Hallundbaek interviews Dr. Ingrid Mattson, Professor of Islamic Studies and director of the Macdonald Center for Islamic Studies and Christian-Muslim Relations at Hartford Seminary in Hartford, CT. Dr. Mattson is the author of 'The Story of the Qur’an: Its History and Place in Muslim Societies' and has written articles exploring the relationship between Islamic law and society, as well as gender and leadership issues in contemporary Muslim communities. In 2006, Dr Mattson was elected President of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA).
Topics explored in this hour include: an exploration of Ramadan, the daily fast that is rigidly enjoined from dawn until sunset in the ninth month of the Muslim calendar; the spiritual gifts of Ramadan, including ensuring that the impoverished are able to enjoy the holiday; Mattson's childhood upbringing as a Catholic; the benefits of Catholicism, as well as the challenges that later altered her journey; her discovery and budding interest in Islam; her role as President of the Islamic Society of North America; the experience of women in both Christian and Muslim communities; common misconceptions about Islam; the different types of Muslims Shiite, Sunni, Sufi); her work in Christian-Muslim Relations; the development of the Islamic Chaplaincy program in hospital, prison and military communities; "the heart of the faith" and "the core of the law" for Muslims; the gratitude she experiences as a driving force of her faith; and more.

Thursday Sep 09, 2010
Abrahamic Faiths with Peter Ochs
Thursday Sep 09, 2010
Thursday Sep 09, 2010
A PEACEMAKER AMONG JEWS, CHRISTIANS AND MUSLIMS. Michael Hallundbaek interviews Peter Ochs, the Edgar M. Bronfman Professor of Modern Judaic Studies at the University of Virginia. A prolific author, Ochs holds a Ph.D. and B.A. from Yale, an M.A. from the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York, and has held teaching positions at Drew University, Colgate, and the University of Maryland at College Park, as well as visiting lectureships at Hebrew Union College and Hebrew University in Jerusalem. He is the co-founder of the Children of Abraham Institute, an organization that focuses specifically on the three Abrahamic Religions -- Judaism, Christianity, and Islam -- and on the conflicts that divide peoples who otherwise, according to the web site, “share allegiance to the same God.” Ochs is also co-founder of the Society for Scriptural Reasoning, which seeks to bridge the gap between faith and reason in scriptural interpretation. Since 1994 he has practiced Scriptural Reasoning with Jewish, Muslim and Christian scholars, a practice that began as academic, and then grew to have broader benefits, as he says, “offering the broader public a way of practicing peace at a time of inter-religious tension and conflict.” In this fascinating hour, Ochs describes what inspired him to begin these organizations that seek to build understanding between Jewish, Christian and Muslim believers; he explains what ‘scriptural reasoning’ is; the origins and continuing relationship between the three Abrahamic faiths; how the Jewish people developed from the ancient Sumerians or Iraqis, and how the concept of “one God” developed; how Judaism, Christianity and Islam all relate to each other through their common ancestor, Abraham, as well as surprising points of consensus in the Old Testament, New Testament and Qur'an; and how the students of these sibling texts often “study in tears.” Dr. Ochs continues to share about his book “Breaking the Tablets: Jewish Theology After Shoah,” or after the Holocaust; how American or Western culture affects Jewish spirituality today; challenges of and suggestions to the ‘secular’ Jew; how the conflict between Israel and Palestine is a deterrent to new members of the faith; where Judaism is going, and Ochs’ perspective on what will help guide it into the future; more. For more information, please visit The Journal of Scriptural Reasoning: http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/journals/jsrforum/ And the Children of Abraham Institute (CHAI): http://etext.virginia.edu/journals/abraham/

Saturday Sep 04, 2010
Meet the Methodists
Saturday Sep 04, 2010
Saturday Sep 04, 2010
Caer Hallundbaek interviews Dr. Thomas E. Frank, Professor of Religious Leadership and Administration and Coordinator of the Initiative in Religious Practices and Practical Theology at Emory University. Dr. Frank's primary interest is the history, congregational life, and organizational culture of mainstream Protestant denominations. This program focuses on Methodism and the United Methodist Church. During this program, Frank shares the beginnings of the church in England; the passionate story of John Wesley and the personal journey that led him to discover the benefits of monastic prayer traditions in everyday life; the development of the church through oppression; its growth in the US; its similarities with other Protestant faiths; the associations between the Methodist and Episcopal Church, and the Lutheran and Episcopal Church; the movement toward unity and the question, why wouldn't all these churches come together?

Saturday Sep 04, 2010
Lutherans historically and in New York
Saturday Sep 04, 2010
Saturday Sep 04, 2010
Caer interviews Rev. Amandus Derr, Senior Pastor of St. Peter’s Church in the heart of New York City. In this lively hour, topics of discussion include: the position of the church at the foot of the Citigroup Building; the history of the 150 year old parish; 9/11 and city ministry; the pastor’s dear friend, “the rabbi across the street,” and their ministries together; the origins and development of the Lutheran church in Europe; the life and actions of Martin Luther, a Catholic monk and unintentional catalyst of the Reformation; the role of Germany’s nobility in moving the church away from Rome; the printing press as the new technology that spread the word of Luther’s 95 Theses virtually overnight; the development of the Lutheran church in Scandinavia and then in the U.S. as Germans and Scandinavians immigrated to America; Hallundbaek’s favorite reflection of Martin Luther; and more.

Saturday Sep 04, 2010
The Episcopal Story
Saturday Sep 04, 2010
Saturday Sep 04, 2010
With guest the Rev. Dr. Patrick Malloy, professor of Liturgics at General Theological Seminary, the Episcopal seminary of New York City. A former Roman Catholic, Dr. Malloy became an Episcopalian in 1991, the same year he earned his doctorate at Notre Dame. His doctoral dissertation was centered on Roman Catholics in England when they were forbidden by law to gather for worship, and the devotional books they utilized from the 16th to 19th century. He was ordained an Episcopal priest ten years later. In this hour we speak with Dr. Malloy about the history of the Episcopal Church in America; its Anglican roots and continuing connection; its structure, core beliefs and celebrations; ordination of women; social justice; his struggling parish in Allentown, Pennsylvania; the role of the church as an agent of change in today's society; more.

Saturday Sep 04, 2010
The Dalai Lama's Science Project
Saturday Sep 04, 2010
Saturday Sep 04, 2010
In 2005, The Dalai Lama, Tibet’s spiritual leader, invited us to see “The Universe in a Single Atom,” a book he wrote on the importance of science in the modern world. In it he shares his view that the studies of science and Buddhism have a similar goal – that of seeking truth. He called for a new age of studies for his monks and nuns, one that includes Western modern science as part of the Buddhist spiritual curriculum. One result is the Emory-Tibet Partnership, a program in which Emory University science professors teach Buddhist monastics in India.
In this hour, Caer discusses the program at length with Geshe Lobsang Tenzin Negi, and Dr. Arri Eisen - the Director and a leading professor of the Emory-Tibet scientific initiative. Topics include: the beginnings of the program; cultural challenges; the forming of a curriculum; the similarities between Buddhism and science; isolation and integration in the modern world; the mutual relationship between the scientists and the monks; whether the monastics' spiritual beliefs would be challenged by empirical science; the role of empathy and compassion in health studies; and more.

Saturday Sep 04, 2010
The Muslim Cradle
Saturday Sep 04, 2010
Saturday Sep 04, 2010
In this fascinating hour Caer Hallundbaek speaks with Dr. Asma Afsaruddin, Islamic scholar and author of the book The First Muslims: History and Memory. Among topics discussed: Afsaruddin's journey as an Islamic scholar and woman; her research and discovery of the true nature of the early Muslim community---how it was pluralistic, inclusive of Jews and Christians and possessing gender equality; how these aspects changed over time, and why; the similarities between the early Christian and Islamic communities; the original meaning of the word 'jihad' and how it has been 'hijacked'; the recent apology of the Danish newspaper Politiken to the descendants of Mohammed for reprinting a derogatory cartoon; the way forward together; and more.

Saturday Sep 04, 2010
Religions For Peace
Saturday Sep 04, 2010
Saturday Sep 04, 2010
With guest Dr. William F. Vendley, Secretary General of Religions For Peace, the largest international coalition of representatives from the world’s religions dedicated to promoting peace. Respecting religious differences while celebrating our common humanity, Religions for Peace is active on every continent and in some of the most troubled areas of the world, creating multi-religious partnerships to confront our most dire issues: stopping war, ending poverty, and protecting the earth. www.religionsforpeace.org

Saturday Sep 04, 2010
Who are the Bahai ?
Saturday Sep 04, 2010
Saturday Sep 04, 2010
With guest Dr. James Sacco, co-administrator of the Bahai School, Retreat and Conference Center in Eliot, Maine. In this hour, among other topics, Sacco discusses with host Caer Hallundbaek the origins and founder of the Bahai faith; the Bahai faith not as a new religion, but as 'religion renewed'; Oneness of Humankind as the "pivotal principle" of Baha'u'llah's Revelation; The Bahai focus on the establishment of world peace, the equality of women and men, racial unity, and spiritual transformation; the concept of Divine Messengers through history and the world religions as a succession of revelations; common ground between religion and science; and more.

Saturday Sep 04, 2010
Conversation with Jacob Needleman
Saturday Sep 04, 2010
Saturday Sep 04, 2010
Caer speaks with guest Dr. Jacob Needleman, acclaimed author, world renowned scholar and professor of philosophy. In this hour, among other topics, Needleman discusses the true nature of the human being; the toxic ideas in our culture that prevent people and churches from allowing for spiritual growth; the early Christian contemplative, communal life that has been lost; the idea of God as a force in human consciousness; the inner pathways in all religions, that, although distinct, lead us toward a common benefit; and more. www.jacobneedleman.com

Friday Sep 03, 2010
Judaism with Rabbi Reuven Kimelman
Friday Sep 03, 2010
Friday Sep 03, 2010
In the program, host Michael Hallundbaek welcomes one of the great scholars and teachers of Judaism and Jewish prayer of our time, Rabbi and Professor Reuven Kimelman. Rabbi Kimelman is a professor of Classical Judaica at Brandeis University. Previously, he was the Joseph Shier Distinguished Professor of Jewish Studies at the University of Toronto, and Five College Professor of Judaic Studies at Amherst College. He has also taught at Mt. Holyoke, Smith, Trinity and Williams Colleges as well as the Jewish Seminary of America, Yeshiva University, and the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Professor Kimelman holds a PH. D. from Yale University in Religious Studies, and has been published widely in journals of scholarly and popular interest in the Bible, Ethics, Liturgy and Current Affairs. He is the author of the Hebrew work, 'The Mystical Meaning of Lekhah Dodi' and 'Kabbalat/Shabbat,' published by the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.
In this highly informative hour, Rabbi Kimelman shares on various topics of Judaism, including: the history and development of the Jewish religion; Abraham as the first Jew and his role as the biological and/or spiritual source of Judaism, Islam and Christianity; the wide variety of expression of Judaism (Orthodox, Reformed, Reconstructionist, Hasidic) and their underlying bond; The Torah, or Hebrew Bible, as God's instructions on how to live a good life; God as the center of Jewish life; the concept of holiness and the 'sanctity of time' before sanctity of space; the remains of the Temple in Jerusalem as the holiest place for Jews; daily Jewish prayer and blessings; how he personally finds meaning through his faith.